We were meant to be starting to fly circuits,
but the weather was damp and cloudy when i arrived. As i waited
for the weather to clear i read the airfield log book. eventually
it cleared enough for long enough for us to fly. It was over a month
since i'd flown so i was a bit nervous. It was very windy so i couldn't
do the take off. it wasnt good enough weather to do circuits so
we tried to fly into the training area and do circuits at a higher
altitude. However it wasnt clear enough over there either. As we
turned to come back the clouds were being blown past above us, and
we flew just below the cloud level, behind the cloud the sun was
bright, and the sky between the horizon and the cloud was very bright
making the cloud appear in shadow and dark. Flying just under this
cloud as it blew over us, seeing gaps in the cloud allowing shafts
of sunlight through was incredibly beautiful. As we werent really
doing anything new it felt good to fly and not feel as if i was
doing badly. 'imagine its a computer game, don't let that horizon
move' it seems to be her standard line.
WEATHER: cloudy and windy.